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    President Ni Hongwei Meets Vice President of the Italy-China Link Association

    信息来源: 发布日期:2024-07-17

    Published by: School of Management  Edited by: Chen Machuan

    WUST Online News, July 8th - President Ni Hongwei met with Professor Alberto Antinucci from Italy's H-FARM College, Vice President of the Italy-China Link Association, at the Qingshan Campus. Leaders from the School of Management and related school departments attended the meeting.

    Ni Hongwei awarded Professor Alberto Antinucci with a Visiting Professor Appointment, expressing the WUST's full support for the cooperation between the School of Management and H-FARM College. He stated hopes that leveraging H-FARM College’s influence within Italian businesses could elevate the international stature of the WUST's MBA program, enhancing its competitiveness and distinctiveness.

    Professor Alberto Antinucci introduced the situation of H-FARM College and expressed his hope to undertake project collaborations with the School of Management in areas such as faculty exchange, joint student internships, university-industry partnerships, and student innovation and entrepreneurship.

    Professor Alberto Antinucci also visited the Huangjiahu Campus and held discussions with faculty and students from the School of Management. Both parties expressed their keen anticipation for future cooperation and reached a consensus on the direction of their future collaboration. ( School of Management of the WUST)