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    Ni Hongwei Visits Universities in Spain and Italy

    信息来源: 发布日期:2024-06-13

    Published by: Office of International Relations       Edited by: Chen Machuan

    WUST News – Recently, at the invitation of Universidad Complutense and the Universidad de Málaga, and H-FARM College of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, President Ni Hongwei led a delegation to visit and exchange ideas with these institutions.

    During the visit to Spain, Ni Hongwei met with Joaquin Goyache Goñi, President of Universidad Complutense; Ana María Quiroga Rey, Chief of Staff; and Juan Carlos Izquierdo, Director of the International Exchange Office. Joaquín, on behalf of Universidad Complutense, welcomed Ni Hongwei and his delegation, thanking the WUST for its efforts over the past year in applying for the Chinese-foreign Cooperatively-run Schools . He expressed great pleasure at establishing a cultural exchange center between the two universities at Universidad Complutense.

    Ni Hongwei expressed his gratitude to President Joaquín for the invitation. During his visit to Universidad Complutense, he was deeply impressed by their rigorous academic attitude, high-quality teaching standards, and advanced educational concepts. The cooperation between both parties has been efficient and pragmatic. The WUST will further strengthen its exchanges with Universidad Complutense and deepen collaboration in areas such as student exchange, faculty exchange, and scientific research.

    The two university presidents jointly unveiled the newly established "WUST - Universidad Complutense Cultural Exchange Center". Afterward, Ni Hongwei and his delegation visited the School of Statistics and the School of Information at Universidad Complutense and held discussions with the deans and representatives of faculty and students from both schools.

    At the Universidad de Málaga, Ni Hongwei met with President José Ángel Narváez Bueno and Vice President Susana Cabrera Yeto to explore cooperation in the fields of resources, environment, and applied engineering.

    During his visit to H-FARM College of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Ni Hongwei met with the founder and president, Riccardo Donadon, and signed a framework agreement for cooperation between the two institutions. (Office of International Relations)