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    Professor Wang Kejin from Iowa State University Invited to Give an Academic Report

    信息来源: 发布日期:2024-06-05

    Published by: Chen Wenjuan

    WUST News (Correspondent: Chen Wenjuan) In order to strengthen academic exchanges and broaden academic horizons, Professor Wang Kejin from Iowa State University in the United States was invited to deliever an academic report entitled “Decarbonation of Cement and Concrete - Opportunities for Breakthrough Towards Sustainability” to teachers and students of WUST in Room 11A618 of Huangjiahu Campus on the morning of 27 May. Dean Xu Chengxiang of the School of Urban Construction chaired the report meeting, and more than 100 teachers and students, including Vice Dean Zhu Hongbing, attended the on-site meeting.

    Professor Wang Kejin first briefly introduced the current application status of concrete, and in view of the problem of carbon dioxide emission in the cement production process, combined with the current environmental crisis facing the world, introduced the problem of carbon reduction of concrete. Prof. Wang shared with the participating teachers and students the latest research results of his team in the field of concrete carbon reduction, starting from how to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions in the production process of cement and concrete through energy conservation and emission reduction. Prof. Wang suggested: "How to capturet carbon dioxide and achieve carbon reduction in concrete, thereby creating more environmentally friendly building materials, is a very interesting topic." After the presentation, Prof. Wang engaged in an insightful discussion with the audience, answering their questions and fostering a stimulating exchange of ideas.

    The lecture was characterized by a strong academic atmosphere, with in-depth content, detailed explanations, and a wide range of expertise that captivated the audience. Professor Wang's expertise and passion for sustainable construction was evident throughout the presentation, inspiring the attendees to further explore the challenges and opportunities.

    About Prof. Wang Kejin

    Professor Wang Kejin is an accomplished scientist and a leading authority in the field of concrete materials. He is currently a Distinguished professor in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University's, where he holds the prestigious Anson Marston Chair and the Wilson Professorship in Engineering. Professor Wang received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1994. During his doctoral studies, he had the privilege of working under the guidance of renowned engineering materials experts Paulo J. M. Monteiro and Surendra P. Shah. His research interests cover a wide range of topics related to cement, concrete, and pavement materials. Prof. Wang's dedication to his field has earned him recognition and membership in several prestigious professional organizations, including:
    Fellow of American Concrete Institute (ACI)

    Fellow of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

    Fellow of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

    Fellow of American Ceramic Society (ACerS)
    Senior Editor of Construction and Building Materials

    Associate Editor of Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering

    Editorial Board Member of Advances in Civil Engineering Materials

    He has also been recognized for his outstanding academic excellence by the University of California, Berkeley's Distinguished Alumni Society.