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    The Secretary of the Party Committee, Xu Yanbing, Led a Delegation to Spain and Cyprus for an Exchange Visit

    信息来源: 发布日期:2023-10-07

    The Secretary of the Party Committee, Xu Yanbing, Led a Delegation to Spain and Cyprus for an Exchange Visit

    Published by: Editor: Chen Machuan Published on: September 29, 2023


    WUST News In order to further promote international exchanges and cooperation, and explore the establishment of China-foreign collaborative institutions through application to the Chinese Ministry of Education, as well as to advance teacher exchanges, research collaborations, and student exchanges, the Secretary of the Party Committee, Xu Yanbing, led a delegation to visit Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) in Spain and the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in Cyprus from September 18 to 25, 2023.

    During the visit to Spain, the delegation visited UCM. The President, Joaquin Goyache Goñi, the Office Director, Ana María Quiroga Rey, the Director of International Relations, Juan Carlos Izquierdo, and Mr. Yang Liang participated in the meeting. Joaquin Goyache Goñi warmly welcomed the delegation and stated that in July 2023, preliminary cooperation intentions were reached through a visit to WUST and an online meeting between the presidents regarding the joint application to establish a China-foreign collaborative institution. Goyache added that the visit from WUST will confirm and promote this cooperation. Once the China-foreign collaborative institution is established, UCM will send teachers to China for teaching, engage in student exchanges, and award dual-degree certificates to graduates of the institution. Joaquin Goyache Goñi also mentioned that their previous collaborations with Chinese educational institutions mainly focused on student exchanges and interactions, without the issuance of degree certificates. The collaboration with WUST is unprecedented and represents the most formal and rigorous program they have established in China. It requires the joint support of both the Chinese and Spanish governments. UCM attaches great importance to this collaboration and has prioritized it as a key initiative, committing to do everything possible to ensure its success.

    Xu Yanbing expressed great pleasure in visiting UCM. They were deeply impressed by the vast campus and the rich historical atmosphere. UCM is a vibrant and globally ranked institution that continues to enhance its reputation. The fact that WUST and UCM are both government-funded, public institutions with high levels of education provides a solid foundation for collaboration. This year marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Spain. Xu Yanbing hopes that through face-to-face exchanges and joint efforts, both parties can reach a mutual willingness to cooperate and accelerate progress. They aim to establish a China-foreign collaborative institution in accordance with the laws and regulations of China and Spain. The institution will initially start with undergraduate programs, issuing dual degrees. In the later stages, it will gradually expand to include graduate programs. WUST will also provide funding to support students for exchange programs at UCM. During the meeting, both parties also discussed the establishment of a Spanish Language and Culture Center at WUST, as well as the establishment of a Cultural Exchange Center at UCM. Finally, it was proposed that Joaquin Goyache Goñi lead a delegation for a visit to WUST in November.

    A photo of Secretary of the Party Committee, Xu Yanbing, with President Joaquin Goyache Goñi at UCM

    A group photo of the delegates with the President and team members of UCM

    The delegation also visited the International Relations Office, the Institute of Statistics, and the Office of the Vice President for Teaching at UCM. Representatives of the delegation met with Juan Carlos Izquierdo Villaverde, the Director of the International Relations Office, Cristóbal Pareja Flores, the Dean of the Institute of Statistics, María Rosario Espínola Vílchez, the Vice Dean, and Miguel Ángel Sastre Castillo, the Vice President, to discuss cooperation matters. During the discussions, UCM expressed great anticipation for collaborating with WUST in establishing a China-foreign collaborative institution. The relevant departments will closely collaborate and coordinate with both governments to promote academic degree attestation, send teachers to the institution for teaching, arrange teaching plans and programs, and facilitate credit certification.

    During the visit to Cyprus, Xu Yanbing held talks with Floros Voniatis, the CEO and Chairman of the Council of the UCLan. They jointly signed the Academic Cooperation Intention Agreement between WUST and UCLan. This agreement aims to promote cooperation and exchanges between the two universities in areas such as teacher exchanges, research collaborations, student exchanges, and collaborative education.

    The delegation also visited local government officials, toured the UCLan, and visited renewable energy companies to explore new paths and models for inter-university and university-enterprise cooperation.

    Signing of the Academic Cooperation Intention Agreement between WUST and UCLan

    Group photo of the delegates and President and management layer of UCLan

    Zuo Fei, a member of the Party Committee and Chief Accountant of Hubei Yangtze River Industry Group, WUST's cooperative enterprise, facilitated discussions on university-enterprise cooperation and the implementation of China-foreign collaborative institutions and projects.

    Gu Huaizhi, the Executive Director of the Department of Materials Science, Xu Chengxiang, the Dean of the School of Urban Construction, Xiao Qiaoling, the Director of the Office of International Relations and the Dean of the International School, Wei Dong, the Director of the Finance Department, and Xu Hancheng from the Office of International Relations, were among the delegates.